Alchemy Classic Wow

This Classic WoW Alchemy Leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Classic Alchemy skill up from 1 to 300 as inexpensively as possible.

Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two you can save a lot of gold because you don't have to buy the herbs from the Auction House. Check out my Classic WoW Herbalism leveling guide 1-300 if you want to level herbalism.

The materials are based on a case that you will gain one skill point each craft. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Alchemy.

If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend using Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. All the detail that you need to complete the quest is included.

This Classic WoW Alchemy Leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Classic Alchemy skill up from 1 to 300 as inexpensively as possible. Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two you can save a lot of gold because you don't have to buy the herbs from the Auction House. Another Profession Goldmaking Video! Let me know what you think about it in the comments below! One note I forgot in the video: In order to make flasks you need an Alchemy Lab which can be found.

Alchemy guide sections:

Approximate Materials Required:

There are a lot of yellow recipes used in the guide which means you won't gain skill points every single time. I added 10-20 extra herbs for most of these recipes, but it's still possible you will have to get a few more if you have the worst luck.

  • 65 x Peacebloom
  • 65 x Silverleaf
  • 85 x Empty Vial
  • 100 x Briarthorn
  • 35 x Bruiseweed
  • 85 x Leaded Vial
  • 20 x Mageroyal
  • 50 x Stranglekelp
  • 35 x Liferoot
  • 35 x Kingsblood
  • 55 x Goldthorn
  • 5 x Wild Steelbloom
  • 100 x Sungrass
  • 15 x Khadgar's Whisker
  • 120 x Crystal Vial
  • 25 x Arthas' Tears
  • 60 x Blindweed
  • 75 x Golden Sansam
  • 40 x Mountain Silversage

Classic Alchemy Trainers

You can learn Classic Alchemy from any of these NPCs below, but you have to reach level 5 before you can learn it.

Just click on any of these links below to see the trainer's exact location. You can also walk up to a guard in any city and ask where the Alchemy trainer is, then it will be marked with a red flag on your map.

Horde trainers:

  • Whuut in Orgrimmar.
  • Doctor Marsh in Undercity.
  • Kray in Thunder Bluff
  • Carolai Anise in Tirisfal Glades at Brill.
  • Miao'zan in Durotar at Sen'jin Village.
  • Serge Hinott in Hillsbrad Foothills at Tarren Mill.

Alliance trainers:

  • Vosur Brakthel in Ironforge.
  • Tel'Athir in Stormwind City.
  • Milla Fairancora in Darnassus.
  • Alchemist Mallory in Elwyn Forest at Goldsire.
  • Cyndra Kindwhisper in Teldrassil at Dolanaar.
  • Ghak Healtouch in Loch Modan at Thelsamar.

Leveling Classic Alchemy

  • 1-60
    65 x Minor Healing Potion - 65 Peacebloom, 65 Sliverleaf, 65 Empty Vial

    You'll need these later, so keep all of them.

Journeyman Alchemy

You can only train Alchemy past 75 if you learn Journeyman Alchemy. (Requires character level 10) Not every Alchemy trainer will teach you this skill, you will need to find an Expert Alchemist.

You can learn Journeyman Alchemy from these NPCs below:

Horde trainers:

  • Yelmak in Orgrimmar.
  • Serge Hinott in Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Doctor Marsh in Undercity

Alliance trainers:

  • Alchemist Narett in Dustwallow Marsh.
  • Kylanna in Ashenvale.
  • Lilyssia Nightbreeze in Stormwind City.
  • Sylvanna Forestmoon in Darnassus.
  • Tally Berryfizz in Ironforge.
  • 65 - 110
    65 x Lesser Healing Potion - 65 Minor Healing Potion, 65 Briarthorn
  • 110 - 140
    35 x Healing Potion - 35 Bruiseweed, 35 Briarthorn, 35 Leaded Vial

Expert Alchemy (140-210)

You can only train Alchemy past 150 if you learn Expert Alchemy. (Requires character level 20) Not every Alchemy trainer will teach you this skill, you will need to find an Artisan Alchemist.

Horde players can learn learn Expert Alchemy from Doctor Herbert Halsey in Undercity. Alliance players can learn it from Ainethil in Darnassus.

  • 140 - 155
    20 x Lesser Mana Potion - 20 Mageroyal, 20 Stranglekelp, 20 Empty Vial

    This recipe will be yellow for the last 10 points, so you might have to make a few extra.

    Make Fire Oil if you don't have Stranglekelp or if Firefin Snapper is cheap. You could also continue to make more Healing Potion.

  • 155 - 185
    35 x Greater Healing Potion - 35 Liferoot, 35 Kingsblood, 35 Leaded Vial

    If you made Fire Oil, you can use it to make Elixir of Firepower

  • 185 - 210
    30 x Elixir of Agility - 30 Stranglekelp, 30 Goldthorn, 30 Leaded Vial

    If you don't have that many Goldthorn, make Mana Potion or Lesser Invisibility Potion up to around 195.

    If you don't have any Goldthorn at all, you can make Nature Protection Potion between 190-215

    Recipe: Nature Protection Potion is sold by these vendors. It's a limited supply item, so it can take a while to respawn when someone else purchases the recipe before you.

Artisan Alchemy (210-300)

You can only train Alchemy past 225 if you learn Artisan Alchemy. (Requires character level 35) Not every Alchemy trainer will teach you this skill, you will need to find a Master Alchemist.

Horde players can learn Artisan Alchemy from Rogvar in Swamp of Sorrows at Stonard. Alliance players can learn it from Kylanna Windwhisper in Feralas at Feathermoon Stronghold.

  • 210 - 215
    5 x Elixir of Greater Defense - 5 Steelbloom, 5 Goldthorn, 5 Leaded Vial
  • 215 - 230
    15 x Superior Healing Potion - 15 Sungrass, 15 Khadgar's Whisker, 15 Crystal Vial
  • 230 - 250
    25 x Elixir of Detect Undead - 25 Arthas' Tears, 25 Crystal Vial
  • 250 - 265
    25 x Elixir of Greater Agility - 25 Sungrass, 25 Goldthorn, 25 Crystal Vial
  • 265 - 285
    30 x Superior Mana Potion - 60 Sungrass, 60 Blindweed, 30 Crystal Vial
  • 285 - 300
    20 x Major Healing Potion - 40 Golden Sansam, 20 Mountain Silversage, 20 Crystal Vial

I hope you liked this Classic WoW Alchemy leveling guide, congratulations on reaching 300!

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I’m curious about this. I never played an alchemist or herbalist in original Vanilla so I am looking for insight from those who did. I am thinking about rolling a warlock with those two professions when Classic comes around. Brewing potions, casting cursesbasically being the witchiest character possible.How tough was it to do?

Were flasks and potions common in raids? I heard that the flask ingredients were notoriously hard to farm.

Was it as profitable in Vanilla as it is right now in the live game? Alch/Herber in Vanilla here. Flasks could only be crafted in Scholomance in the Ras Frostwhisper room and in BWL in a certain room. The flask recipes dropped in dungeons off of certain bosses. Rock band rivals expansion songs list. It wasn’t common to see them drop and usually they were contested.As far as the rest of alch/herb its just how much you put in to it.

If you spend a lot of time herbing you can make all the potions you want assuming you have the skill to make what you want though.Edit: You can make bank off of high end flasks and elixirs. As a Rogue I am going to want Elixir of the Mongoose. That is the pain of farming black lotus.

They have a terrible spawn rate and I think one per zone that they can spawn in. If you can get a few you can make money or give them to your guild. In Loot Council guilds I have been in they took into consideration your contributions to the raid team as much as your attendance. So if you and another person both wanted the same item in a raid but they financed all the flasks it was likely it would go to them first. It makes sense too.

Sorry to turn this into a loot comment lol. Kinda got away from me. Kreivos:How tough was it to do? Were flasks and potions common in raids? I heard that the flask ingredients were notoriously hard to farm.

Was it as profitable in Vanilla as it is right now in the live game?Alchemy isn’t too tough to level. Some of the recipes are hard to come by, especially flasks.Flasks were common in raids, but it was not common for everyone to use them.

Most of the time it was just the tank or a few tanks using a flask of the titans. Most of the DPS will probably be fine using elixirs instead which are far easier to come by.The reason flasks are much less common is the rarity of black lotus. To this day in retail they’re still the most rare material because the spawn points are on a fixed timer. There is a maximum amount of black lotus which can be farmed on a server and it won’t be enough for every raider to pop one like it’s candy.But yes, alchemy is very valuable. Even if you can only make fire protection pots and Mana pots.

Heck, even if you can only make free action potions. There are so many useful potions, elixirs and flasks. Wickess:It’s actually really useful and fun while leveling, but drops off at endgame compared to engineering(as far as fun goes).Magic shield pots, underwater breathing, trollsblood, healing, buffs and so many other utility potions really do make a difference. Especially the underwater breathing pots you can usually make for yourself on demand since Vanilla breath timers were much shorter than they are today.I was an engineer in original Vanilla and that would definitely be tough to lose. I’m aiming for something different around this time around though.I’d sell the underwater breathing pots since I believe warlocks did get a water breathing spell. But yep alchemy gives something for everyone which is what got me interested.

To make a flask in Vanilla you need to get a Black Lotus which is a very rare and expensive herb. In Vanilla to be able to craft a flask you need to go to a alchemy lab which only existed in Scholomance and Blackwing Lair I believe. Some of the really high end recipes are rare drops from dungeons so not everyone will be able to make the best potions, elixirs and flasks. All of these things make flasks very expensive and make high end potions worth alot. Also in vanilla most potions have a 2 minute cooldown which resets in combat so it very likely on long fights that there will be people that use multiple potions each fight.