Enchanted Arms Characters

Enchanted Arms Cheats. Classic-style Japanese role-playing game served up with over 75 creatures to use however you choose.

Ariel - Prospero’sspirit helper. Ariel is referred to throughout this SparkNote andin most criticism as “he,” but his gender and physical form areambiguous. Rescued by Prospero from a long imprisonment at the handsof the witch Sycorax, Ariel is Prospero’s servant until Prosperodecides to release him.

He is mischievous and ubiquitous, able totraverse the length of the island in an instant and to change shapesat will. He carries out virtually every task that Prospero needsaccomplished in the play.Read an.

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Caliban - Anotherof Prospero’s servants. Caliban, the son of the now-deceased witchSycorax, acquainted Prospero with the island when Prospero arrived.Caliban believes that the island rightfully belongs to him and hasbeen stolen by Prospero. His speech and behavior is sometimes coarseand brutal, as in his drunken scenes with Stephano and Trinculo (II.ii,IV.i), and sometimes eloquent and sensitive, as in his rebukes ofProspero in Act I, scene ii, and in his description of the eeriebeauty of the island in Act III, scene ii (III.ii. 130-138).Read an.

Sir Gawain - Thestory’s protagonist, Arthur’s nephew and one of his most loyal knights.Although he modestly disclaims it, Gawain has the reputation ofbeing a great knight and courtly lover. He prides himself on hisobservance of the five points of chivalry in every aspect of hislife.

And it counts as being killed! But first you must defeat your enemies and destroy their strongholds. Hack Information:9999 Lives - KEY HACKS: Press '1' to add 10 Ammo on each click 'Click on every reset or new level' - Press '2' to Unlock All Weapons 'Click on every reset or new level' -BEST OPTION: Press '7' to have Unlimited Ammo and All Weapons Automatically for all levels!Game InformationUnleash your mighty catapult and launch a New Age in this brand-new edition of the popular Castle Clout game! Only you can bring order to the lawless lands and unite the empire. Crush the castle unblocked. You'll need expert timing and a steady hand as you heave boulders, bombs and more to batter walls and topple foes.NOTE: You can only use the last 2 Weapons on the right top & right bottom 1 time per level 'They are Special Auto Aim Weapons!Cool Glitch found by killer1212123: Hold shift and click on an item or a peasant and they will disappear!

Gawain is a pinnacle of humility, piety, integrity, loyalty,and honesty. His only flaw proves to be that he loves his own lifeso much that he will lie in order to protect himself. Gawain leavesthe Green Chapel penitent and changed.Read an.

Green Knight -A mysterious visitor to Camelot. The Green Knight’s huge stature,wild appearance, and green complexion set him apart from the beardlessknights and beautiful ladies of Arthur’s Camelot. He is an ambiguousfigure: he says that he comes in friendship, not wanting to fight,but the friendly game he proposes is quite deadly. He attaches greatimportance to verbal contracts, expecting Sir Gawain to go to greatlengths to hold up his end of their bargain. The Green Knight showshimself to be a supernatural being when he picks up his own severedhead and rides out of Arthur’s court, still speaking. At the sametime, he seems to symbolize the natural world, in that he is killedand reborn as part of a cycle.

At the poem’s end, we discover thatthe Green Knight is also Bertilak, Gawain’s host, and one of Morganle Faye’s minions.Read an. Bertilak of Hautdesert - The sturdy, good-natured lord of the castle whereGawain spends Christmas.

We only learn Bertilak’s name at the endof Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The poem associatesBertilak with the natural world—his beard resembles a beaver, hisface a fire—but also with the courtly behavior of an aristocratic host.Boisterous, powerful, brave, and generous, Lord Bertilak providesan interesting foil to King Arthur. At the end of the poem we learnthat Bertilak and the Green Knight are the same person, magically enchantedby Morgan le Faye for her own designs.

Morgan le Faye - The Arthurian tradition typically portrays Morganas a powerful sorceress, trained by Merlin, as well as the halfsister of King Arthur. Not until the last one hundred lines do wediscover that the old woman at the castle is Morgan le Faye andthat she has controlled the poem’s entire action from beginningto end. As she often does in Arthurian literature, Morgan appearsas an enemy of Camelot, one who aims to cause as much trouble forher half brother and his followers as she can. King Arthur -The king of Camelot. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,Arthur is young and beardless, and his court is in its golden age.Arthur’s refusal to eat until he hears a fantastic tale shows thepetulance of youth, as does Arthur’s initial stunned response tothe Green Knight’s challenge. However, like a good king, Arthursoon steps forward to take on the challenge.

At the story’s end,Arthur joins his nephew in wearing a green girdle on his arm, showingthat Gawain’s trial has taught him about his own fallibility.