Viking Saga New World Level 28 Walkthrough

Viking Sisters Walkthrough, Guide and Tips
Viking Sisters Walkthrough, Guide and Tips

Viking Sisters Walkthrough. Viking Saga: Epic Adventure; Viking Saga: New World; Times of Vikings; General Tips: Your workers live in a house, you start each level in the house. Vikings can collect the resources that are scattered along the paths. Heiga can turn the sprout into a fully grown berry bush. So before you start channeling the Viking berserkers of old and letting loose your frustration on the world around you, take a deep breath and check with our Viking Saga Walkthrough to see what you can do to help alleviate your problems. You and everyone around you, will be glad you did!

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General Tips:

  • Your workers live in a house, you start each level in the house.
  • Vikings can collect the resources that are scattered along the paths.
  • Heiga can turn the sprout into a fully grown berry bush.
  • Harvest the berries from the bush can give you foods.
  • Repaire the sawmill and produce woods.
  • Objects with an exciamatin point over them have an important role in the game.
  • Your inventory is located in the right screen.
  • Always use the key to open the chest, chests eventually magically fill up with more resources.
  • Helga can turn sprouts into tall trees, chop down them and get woods.
  • You can also upgrade the Viking camp to accommodate more workers.
  • The goals you need to complete to finish the level is located in the top of screen.
  • You can mine iron from the iron deposit.


  • It's faster this way!: Use a booster.
  • Acquired Taste: Use a booster 100 times.
  • Novice Farmer: Collect 100 units of food.
  • Experienced Farmer: Collect 1,000 units of food.
  • Novice Woodcutter: Collect 100 units of wood.
  • Experienced Woodcutter: Collect 1,000 units of wood.
  • Novice Miner: Collect 100 units of iron.
  • Experienced Miner: Collect 1,000 units of iron.
  • Novice Gold Digger: Collect 100 units of gold.
  • Experienced Gold Digger: Collect 1,000 units of gold.
  • Novice Jeweler: Collect 100 gems.
  • Experienced Jeweler: Collect 1,000 gems.
  • Rising Star: Earn a three-star rating on one level.
  • Hour of Glory: Earn a three-star rating on 10 levels.
  • Expert: Earn a three-star rating on 30 levels.
  • Hero: Earn a three-star rating on 50 levels.
  • I Changed My Mind!: Cancel a task.
  • Indecisive: Cancel 30 tasks.
  • Conservative: Complete a level without using boosters.
  • Strategist: Assign five tasks at once.
  • Face to Face: Encounter a patrolling enemy.
  • Treacherous Paths: Encounter 30 patrolling enemies.
  • Deserved Rest: Access the tavern.
  • A Regular: Access eight taverns.
  • Messenger from Asgard: Meet the goddess Freya.
  • Liberator: Save 10 prisoners.
  • Flower of Fire: Restore the Flower of Fire.
  • Rune Expert: Step on 100 rune buttons.
  • Magic Weapons: Forge the magic weapons.
  • Staff of Life: Activate the Staff of Life.
  • Staff of Life and Death: Activate the Staff of Death.
  • Dangerous Caves: Bring down the stalactites.
  • Sword of Fire: Activate the fire sword.
  • Sword of Fire and Ice: Activate the ice sword.
  • Enchanted Forest: Enter the Enchanted Forest.
  • Mysterious Enemy: Meet the Evil Sorceress.
  • Prisoner of Beauty: Save the goddess Idunn.
  • Restoring Power: Free the King of the Ice Giants.
  • Break the Spell: Free the men.
  • Fitting Punishment: Defeat the Evil Sorceress.

Detailed Levels:

Level 1: Your task is gather the dishes, acquire water for washing dishes and wash the dishes. See below screenshots:

Level 2: Your task is Open the chest and inspect the 3 statues. See below screenshots:

Level 3: Your task is step on the 6 buttons and enter the enchanted forest. To enter the enchanted forest, you should press the buttons in this order: B - Y - F. See below screenshots:

Level 4: Your task is stop the evil sorceress. See below screenshots:

Level 5: Your task is destroy the towers. See below screenshots:

Level 6: Your task is save the 2 prisoners and lure the knight into cave. See below screenshots:

Level 7: Your task is find the 3 rune discs and activate the circle of the ancients. See below screenshots:

Level 8: Your task is find a torch, light the fireworks and rescue the dwarf. See below screenshots:

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